Holidays :
Third Saturdays
General & National Holidays
The Library and Information Centre at the School of Legal Studies in CMR University seeks to cater to the academic and research need of our students and faculty in every way possible. As part of a growing institution we find ourselves gradually expanding every semester to meet the increasing needs of our ever increasing student body. With a large number of acquisitions making their way into our collections every semester we find ourselves constantly becoming larger and more effective providers of, one of the most fundamental requirements of legal education.
Days | Timings |
Monday to Friday | 08.30 am to 09.00 pm |
Saturdays | 08.30 am to 01.30 pm |
Area : 8220 SqFt | Seating Capacity : 200 | Books : 12,000+ | Periodicals : 34 | Newspaper : 07
Dissertations : 200+ | Bound Volumes : 1500 | Digital Library : 45 Systems |Online Database : 07
The Library services / facilities include Circulation Service, Reference Service, Online reservation of books, Recommendation of library material, Current Awareness Service, Inter Library Loan Service, Photocopying, Orientation and Information Sessions, Selective Dissemination of Information and Digital Library Service.
Circulation Services
Library materials are borrowed and returned at the circulation desk, which is located near the main entrance. Reserved books, audio visual material, periodicals, reference books and CDs / DVDs can be used with in library.
Reference Services
Library provides reference and referral service to its users. Queries are answered using all possible sources. If the required information source is not available / accessible at CMR University School of Legal Studies Library, the users are referred to other libraries where the required information may be available.
Online Reservation System
Library users can reserve any book using our online reservation system if it is already issued. Reserved books are not reissued. Library user is automatically informed through email when a reserved book is returned and the same is held at circulation desk for two days. If the reserved book is not collected within two days, it is issued to other users or shelved.
Recommend an Item
We welcome faculty, staff, students and other members to recommend any material, which can add value to our library collection. Purchase of recommended items is subject to approval and availability of funds. However, we try our best to honor all recommendations of our valued library members.
Current Awareness Service
Library members are regularly informed about the recent acquisitions in the library. A list of “NEW ARRIVALS” is displayed in the rack.
Inter Library Loan Service
Materials that are not held by CMR University School of Legal Studies library might be borrowed temporarily from other libraries on inter library loan basis. To avail this facility, users need to submit their demands to the Library.
Photocopying facility is available with the library. Users can get the photocopy of required information from reference materials (like reference books, encyclopaedias, dictionaries, journals and magazines etc.) on payment.
Orientation and Information Sessions
The library’s orientation and information program extends the role of library in ensuring that users make the most effective use of library resources. The program is designed to educate the faculty members, students, and staff in locating printed and electronic knowledge resources to fulfil their information needs. This service is provided on individual and group basis.
Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI)
Keeping in view the area of interest of the library users, selected material is provided to them in order to keep them abreast of the latest knowledge in their field.
Digital Library Service
Library provides systems with internet facilities to access online database and other research pre materials.
Category | No of books | Duration |
Law UG Students | 05 Books | 10 Days |
Law PG Students | 06 Books | 10 Days |
Faculty | 10 Books | 30 Days |
Office Staff | 02 Books | 30 Days |
Visiting Faculty | 05 Books | 30 Days |
Holidays :
Third Saturdays
General & National Holidays